With search engines like Google completely revolutionising information search / collection, it was inevitable that marketers flock to a platform that lets brands monetise this. Pay Per Click platforms such as Google AdWords (aka Google Ads) and Microsoft Bing Ads have given brands the opportunity for an instant presence that drives relevant traffic direct to their website or landing page. All this from a cost system that only charges advertisers when a click has taken place, giving you a clear ROI. PPC campaign benefits, summarised:
I don’t believe in helping brands setup and manage Google ads campaigns solely for vanity terms that are unlikely to gain traction but spend a great deal. Instead I offer paid search advert campaigns that concentrate on strategically placed ads on keywords that are going to give the greatest user intent and potential conversion rate. These are proactive and reactive campaigns constantly assessed for the return they are bringing in.
In order to design and create I carry out preliminary research matching up and demographic data you may already have with data from a range of industry tools. This helps me accurately forecast campaign results and start with an educated setup that reduces wasted budgets.
The Adwords setup is arguably ‘the’ most important phase of any paid search campaign. Once I have gathered enough relevant data during the research phase I will apply this to the creation of the account structure. This will often mirror your website structure or navigation in order to align campaigns/ad groups to landing pages.
I tend to use the Alpha-Beta PPC account structure (started by 3Q Digital). This account structure allows me to focus on the most valuable keywords that provide the most ROI whilst carefully monitoring and managing budgets. Additionally, it provides a sound platform on which I can carefully create and test hyper relevant Google ad copy, to further optimise the campaigns and overall account. This results in a lower wasted spend, higher quality scores and more clicks.
There is a misconception that, once setup, a Google Ads campaign or account simply runs itself. Yes, you could simply leave it to carry on as is but you would never get the desired results. My campaigns run for a minimum of 3 months during which a large amount of testing and optimisation is carried out. This includes day/ hour timings, budgets, keywords and ad copy. Unlike most ppc agencies, I dont charge a % of any management fee meaning there is no onus for me to encourage you to increase your budgets.
I offer optional weekly or monthly campaign reports. I know most of my clients don’t have the time to wade through reams of data so these tend to simply highlight the top level stats, what has been done that month and what will be improved or amended next month.
Already have a campaign that was setup by a previous or current ppc agency / consultant? I offer a comprehensive review / audit of your current or past Adwords campaigns in order to improve results and save money. Click here to find out more.
For peace of mind, it is worth noting that I am Adwords Certified.
I carry out research and data gathering to get a true understanding of your customer & business. I then look to apply this knowledge to setup relevant Pay Per Click advertising campaigns. There is also an option to have regular reports on your activity.